Better together.
Approximately half of the churches in HBA have been started since 2000. This has been made possible through the many partners who have made the northeast a priority in their Great Commission plan. You and your church can be involved practically in planting churches in New York by joining a team of partners, planters, HBA churches, etc. These partnerships work within a covenant framework of support and accountability to help ensure the success of healthy church plants.
There are three primary ways to partner with us in church planting.
Prayer is vital to the success of new churches. You can have an impact in our area by praying for a church planter and his family and their community. Starting a new church in upstate New York is an extremely difficult task. Your prayers will encourage and support their efforts.
It takes significant finances to begin a new church in New York State as it generally takes 5 – 6 years for a church to become fully self-supported. It is important that planters are able to live financially among those to whom they minister in their community. Partners help make this possible until the new church is able to take responsibility for its own financial needs. Consider some of the needs of new churches:
Salary support for the planters and other ministry interns
Sound system
Discipleship material
Rental costs for a meeting location
Ministry supplies
Outreach supplies for block parties, service projects, neighborhood blitzes, etc.
All gifts are tax deductible. In the donation form, you will see an option that asks, Is this gift designated for a specific cause?
There, please enter your name, address, and specific cause if any. Thank you.
3. Volunteer
There are a number of ways partners can put missions into action by volunteering their time and talents. If you’re interested in coming on a trip, contact us to start working out the details. Survey teams, construction groups, servant evangelism teams, block party volunteers, etc are all useful to a new church. We’ve even had administration teams who have volunteered in the office for a week as a new church launched.